By Marcy O'Rourke February 12, 2024
Blog Post One 1 - Introduction
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By Marcy O'Rourke February 10, 2024
Sex and Death
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Tom endures and suffers a long, failed cancer treatement
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The Devil's Revenge
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My first experience with precognition.
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Tom Is Visited By An Angel
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My Irish grandmother left me a bit of Irish mysticism. That's why I saw the Coiste Bower, or Death Coach stop at my home a year before my husband died.
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Dark Night of the Soul
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Visiting the Elysian Fields
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It seemed like a perfectly normal, happy marriage.

Celebration at Tom's Manager's office the day he got the role of Justin Marler on The Guiding Light soap opera

Marriage Vows

Honeymoon in Paris with Jameson and Bonnie Parker

My birthday at our house in Stone Ridge, New York.

In Los Angeles with our new baby

Paratrooper and Military Police in the Army in Germany

Tom O'Rourke Acting Headshot


Romance was the pathway to God for me.

What is Romance? Romance is the poetry of domestic life. It’s all the shared moments and the little intimate joys.

Falling in love requires giving up control of your emotions and becoming vulnerable. You have to let yourself fall in love.

Falling in love is a kind of abandonment of all the reasons and rules of life. Of course, it’s utterly foolish to fall in love. It’s the opposite of acting sensibly.

That’s why most romantic movies take place in faraway, exotic settings, or dire and dangerous circumstances, because love is wild and untamable, and full of adventure. Even if you work nine to five in an office, love puts your whole life at risk, just as if you were a secret agent in grave peril.

But being in love requires two whole, autonomous people who not only are infatuated with each other but also are enough in possession of their senses to be able to consciously decide to throw all caution to the wind for love.

My romance didn’t work out as planned; some romances never do, I guess. But my romance didn’t end when death did us part. What happened next, I regard as an act of love for me from the man I loved. Does our experience prove that God smiles very kindly on romantic love? I think so.

My father was a chemical engineer so my world was purely scientific, and I was pretty good at science, myself.

I was raised a Presbyterian. However, I always got the impression that while God may have set the world in motion and sent his son, a person was pretty much on their own in this world. The spiritual world was somewhere off in the distance, who knew where?

I never even read horoscopes until weird things that defied all the rules of science started happening to me.

So all this psychic stuff was news to me and frankly, unwelcome news, because it totally destroyed my neat little world of science. But in my book, Bedeviled, I'm passing along the things that happened to me which proved science is not the whole story.

Remember, you’re the star in your own drama, in this life and the next, but who are you really?

My movie therapy videos might help you to figure out your inner monologue, what really makes you tick. That's the truth you'll confront in the afterlife.   

Tom's true and secret story was about his battle with his dark self who ruled his unconscious and clouded his understanding in this world. He was driven to throw away everything good that ever happened to him. And he never understood why he did those self-destructive things.

Carl Jung explained it best:

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious"

A Romance Novel where a lady lawyer meets a Western dude and they both learn a lot, while falling in love. Tap the book to read more on Amazon.

A Time Travel Novel where a lucky actress gets to star with classic Hollywood leading men. Tap book to go to read more on Amazon.

A story of miracles and tragedy as a family fights to survive the assault of an abusive social service agency. Tap the book to read more on Amazon.

Have parents given up on Santa or has Santa given up on parents? Maybe Aunt Sadie can help. Tap the book to read more on Amazon.

Marcy Casterline, Model with Eileen Ford

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